WENATCHEE -- The Community Foundation of North Central Washington (CFNCW) has launched a new grant program that provides unrestricted funding to charitable organizations in specific geographic regions.
The Legacy Funds Grant program, which replaces the Regional Impact Grant program that ended in 2023, is now accepting applications from charitable organizations in Cashmere, Chelan Valley, Upper Valley, and Wenatchee Valley. The deadline for submissions is August 15.
“We have a Local Advisory Board for each Legacy Fund that has received training on how Community Foundation grants are reviewed and evaluated” said Jennifer Short, director of community grants at the foundation. “Each LAB also includes a foundation Trustee and staff to help direct and guide the process. We’re looking forward to including more community members in our grant-making process as they understand their community’s critical needs and enrichment opportunities best.”
These LABs, representing a diverse cross-section of each community, will review applications and award grants within their respective areas. The boards include a mix of long-time and newer residents, working and retired individuals and other community members.
The Foundation reports that the Legacy Funds were established by donors, some through wills or bequests, others by living donors, who directed their gifts to support specific communities. This new grant-making approach aims to fulfill donor wishes while leveraging local knowledge for greater impact.
Charitable agencies in Okanogan County will have to wait until Spring 2025 to apply, while applications for other areas will open in Fall 2024.
The CFNCW encourages interested organizations to visit their website for more information and to submit applications.
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