Tuesday, February 18, 2025

How Older Adults Can Avoid Holiday Scams


(NewsUSA) - Scams targeting people age 60 and older resulted in over $3.4 billion in losses in 2023, according to the FBI. Financial scams and fraud often increase during the holidays. There is more online shopping and more fundraising appeals, which means more opportunities for fraud. And older adults may feel lonely which scammers exploit.

The Eldercare Locator can help older adults protect themselves against financial scams. The Eldercare Locator is a national information and referral service that connects older adults with organizations in their communities that can provide support such as nutrition, transportation and in-home services.

Also, older adults and family members can contact the Eldercare Locator if they think they’ve been scammed. Trained staff will connect them with local or national organizations that can help. Call, text or videophone 1-800-677-1116. Chat online with a Referral Specialist at eldercare.acl.gov or send an email to eldercarelocator@usaging.org.

Click here to read the Eldercare Locator’s new fact sheet, Protect Your Wallet: A Guide to Avoiding Financial Scams. It has information on common scams, tips to avoid scams and what to do if you suspect a scam.

The Eldercare Locator is administered by USAging, the national association representing the network of more than 600 Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) across the country and advocating for the Title VI Native American Aging Programs. AAAs and Title VI programs provide a range of critical services and supports to enable older adults to age with optimal health, independence and dignity at home and in the community.